Networking, Windows 10

Create Network Diagrams Easily for Free


Creating network maps and diagrams is important for documentation and showing professionalism. Recently I did work for a small business that had Windows Small Business Server 2008 server on the frits. They wanted the server replaced and they also purchased other services and equipment. I prefer proper documentation with decent visuals and when I wanted to create a simple network map for free, I wasn’t able to find many options.

The solutions I did find used very basic shapes, many were cloud-based, and some had trials and plans, and eventually you get the sense that everyone wants your money for anything. While I could attempt to use Microsoft Office, I didn’t want to go that route because Microsoft Office isn’t free.


Eventually, I found a free extension for OpenOffice that you can use with OpenOffice’s Draw application to create a network map and/or diagram. It was exactly what I was looking for and did what I needed.  The extension is called “CFnaRede Gallery of network equipment shapes-1.3.0” and uses the icons from the “VRT Network Equipment” extension but adds many more icons that will allow you to add more variety in your map and/or diagram.


Once installing the extension, you’re going to want to start OpenOffice Draw. Then go under the “View” options and select “Sidebar”. This will show the sidebar on the very right, which you can then select the “Gallery” icon (second from the bottom) or select from the hamburger button menu options. Then you will be able to select the icons and shapes from the CFnaRede Gallery extension and then start creating.


Once done, you can print the diagram or export to a file, such as .jpg or .pdf. You can keep the diagram internally and send to your clients if they request it. Remember, although the software is free, your time is not! If a client requests such documentation from you, decide about whether or not they deserve it for free or that they pay a fee to receive it.

Simplified Network Design

This would be for clients that don’t pay for Managed IT services and also for those that don’t appreciate the hard work and little things that we do for them. IT can be brutal sometimes and is a thankless job for the most part. Who knows, perhaps the site contact of the client is looking to move to another provider or competitor, and they may just give your work to them once they decide to leave. We don’t want to make the competition’s job easier at the cost of our own time, so be careful.

I got this diagram idea from reading a comment on r/SysAdmin, a very good place for us IT folks to come together and discuss, give it a view!

Here is an example below of one I just recently created:


While not perfect, for a free solution it’s not bad! I could’ve done a little better had I given myself more room, but this will all print on one 8.5 x 11″ sheet of paper. I will also note that some of these extensions also have a LibreOffice version, but personally I find OpenOffice to be the superior and better program to use here. So, I found this to be a little victory, one less thing to pay for, and God forbid a subscription fee which some wanted. So, to all those that want my money, better luck next time!

Happy documenting!

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